Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Pangong Tso Lake

The term Pangong Tso is Tibetan and stands for narrow, long and enchanted lake. Some even call it simply by Pangong. This endorheic lake is a part of the Himalayas and is located at an elevation of around 4,400m. It has a length of 134km and the most surprising thing is that it starts in India and extends up to Tibet.

Pangong Tso
Pangong Tso | Image Resource :

In summer season, the water in the lake completely fresh and in its normal form. The locals informed us that despite containing saline water, the lake freeze up totally during the months of winter. They also informed us that only around 40% of the lake is in India. In total, the lake is spread over an area of 604 sq. km.
Pangong Tso Lake
Pangong Tso Lake | Image Resource :

Frozen Pangong Lake
Frozen Pangong Lake | Image Resource :
There are chances that the lake may be identified as an internationally important lake under the Ramsar reunion. If it turns into reality, then Pangong Tso Lake will hold the record of being the first trans boundary wetland from South Asia to come under the convention’s supervision. Unfortunately, the lake is situated in a troubled territory. The dispute is amongst Tibet, China, India and Pakistan claiming control different areas covered by the lake.

Pangong Tso Lake
Pangong Tso Lake | Image Resource :
Pangong Tso can be arrive at in a five-hour drive from Leh, most of it on a rough and dramatic mountain road. The road crosses the villages of Shey and Gya and traverses the Changla pass, where army sentries and a small teahouse greet visitors. We also learnt that foreigners need to be in a group of at least three people and headed by a recognized guide in order to reach the lake. The permit was obtained from a tourist office after a small fee.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Jagannath Temple Puri

Jagannath Temple Puri
Jagannath Temple Puri | Image Resource :
Jagannath temple is a place of spirituality and relief. This temple is a very popular place of devotion that is visited many thousands of visitors every year.This well-known ancient Hindu temple is committed to the governing deity lord Jagannath. This holy place situated on the eastern coast of the Indian subcontinent is a blessed place of tour specially for the believers of Lord Vishnu or Krishna. The Jagannath temple Puri is of great significance in Hindu faith as it is one of the Char Dhams or the four holy places of journey that a Hindu must visit during his life time. 

Temple Of Jagannath
Temple Of Jagannath | Image Resource :
The temple includes  a number of Hindu idols. Most of these idols are carved out of metal or stone but the idol of lord Jagannath is carved out of wood. A unique feature about the Jagannath temple Puri is that the idol of lord Jagannath is replaced every 12 or 19 years. The wood used to carve the exact replica of the image is taken from sanctified trees. The traditional replacement of the wooden statues is known as Navakalevara that refers to new personification and is a highly secret ritual.

Rath Yatra
Rath Yatra | Image Resource :
The temple is well-known for its Rath Yatra which is a chariot festival.  In this festival the three main gods of the temple are dragged on beautifully ornamented vast temple cars. This festival is celebrated with great devotion and enthusiasm by the devotees of lord Jagannath. People from all parts of the country come together to attend  this festival.

Temple At Night
Temple At Night | Image Resource :
The familiar Saint Ramananda is closely related to the Jagannath temple. Vaishnava societies hold a significant place in the ceremonials surveyed by this sanctified temple. The governing temple gods Jagannath, goddess Subhadra and Balabhadra are placed on the bejewelled platform which is known as the Ratnavedi that is located in the inner sanctorum of the temple.

Sanjay Gandhi National Park | Borivali National Park | Mumbai |

  Entrance | Image Source : Sanjay Gandhi National Park , located in the northern part of Mumbai, is a remarkable wilderness a...